WNT 13 and Indian River

WNT 13 and Indian River

Waitukubuli National Trail Segment 13 Details & Itinerary Segment 13 of the Waitukubuli National Trail is much dryer than all other segments and introduces the northern coastline of Dominica. It is 6.8 km long and starts at Penville ending at Capuchin. It is said...
Part of WNT 7

Part of WNT 7

Waitukubuli National Trail Part of Segment 7 Details & Itinerary Segment 7 is a perfect introduction into Dominica’s banana and agricultural farm life. This trail emphasizes that Dominica is clean, green, and ideal for relaxation and tranquillity. The trail...


Waitukubuli National Trail Segment 6 Details & Itinerary We hike from Hibiscus Valley after breakfast and taking us up over a ridge with a beautiful view along the way we will pass gardens on our way to Kalinago territory. There we will visit the Kalinago Barana...


Waitukubuli National Trail Segment 5 Details & Itinerary Leaving the Pont Casse Round-a-bout located at the centre of the island with an overview of the Morne Trois Pitons National Park World Heritage Site is Segment 5 of the Waitukubuli National Trail. Segment 5...
WNT (part of) Segment 4 and Hot Spa

WNT (part of) Segment 4 and Hot Spa

Waitukubuli National Trail Segment 4 Details & Itinerary Segment 4 of the Waitikubuli National Trail takes you through the dense forests of Dominica. We connect with the trail at Sylvania and make our way to Middleham Falls, the highest waterfall in Dominica at...